How To Remove "?m=1" From Blogger URL: A Quick Guide

Remove m=1 from Blogger URLs with easy fixes JavaScript redirect, disable mobile template, or add canonical tag

If you've noticed that your Blogger URLs sometimes include ?m=1, especially on mobile devices, you're not alone. This parameter is added to URLs when Blogger's mobile template is active, which can lead to duplicate content issues and a less clean URL structure. Fortunately, removing ?m=1 is easy. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you clean up your URLs.

Why ?m=1 Appears

The ?m=1 parameter is added by Blogger to identify mobile views of your blog. While this can help in delivering a mobile-optimized experience, it may also clutter your URLs and potentially impact SEO.

Method 1: Redirect ?m=1 URLs with JavaScript

One effective way to remove ?m=1 is by adding a JavaScript redirect to your Blogger template. Follow these steps:

Go to Your Blogger Dashboard:

Navigate to Theme > Edit HTML.

Insert the JavaScript Code:

Find the </head> tag in the template code.

Add the following code just before the </head> tag:


Copy code

<script type="text/javascript">

if (window.location.href.indexOf('?m=1') > -1) {

    window.location = window.location.href.replace("?m=1", "");



This script will check if the URL contains ?m=1 and automatically redirect the user to the URL without this parameter.

Method 2: Disable Mobile Template (Optional)

If you prefer not to use a mobile template, you can disable it altogether:

Access Mobile Settings:

Go to Theme > Customize.

Turn Off Mobile Template:

Click on Mobile Settings and set Choose mobile template to No.

This change will prevent the ?m=1 parameter from appearing in your URLs by not using the mobile template at all.

Method 3: Add a Canonical Tag (Optional)

To help search engines understand which version of the page is the primary one, you can add a canonical tag:

Edit HTML Template:

Navigate to Theme > Edit HTML.

Add Canonical Tag:

Locate the </head> tag.

Paste the following code just before the </head> tag:


Copy code

<link rel="canonical" href="">

Replace with your actual blog URL. This tag indicates to search engines that the URL without ?m=1 is the preferred version.


Removing the ?m=1 parameter from Blogger URLs is a simple but effective way to keep your URLs clean and SEO-friendly. Whether you choose to use JavaScript for redirection, disable the mobile template, or add a canonical tag, these methods will help streamline your blog’s URL structure.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to leave a comment below!

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